Secretary’s Report Minutes of the Annual Meeting, September 29, 2024
President Maryann Levesque opened the 2024 Annual Business Meeting at 1:05 pm and welcomed members. She introduced Board members present and called for a motion to waive the reading of the President’s report and the 2023 Annual Meeting minutes. Motion unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Letendre reported that the Friends ended the fiscal year in a strong, debt-free fiscal position. Donations increased from $14,085 to $19,926 mainly due to several Lifetime Memberships. A capital improvement fund of $10,000 was created from cash reserves. Net assets decreased slightly during the fiscal year by $7,854 (or 1.4%) largely due to market instability impacts on endowment fund investments.
Maryann called for Committee Reports.
- Communications and Outreach-Chairman Nancy Steffens reported that the fiscal year was focused on building recognition of the Heritage Center, which opened June 2023. Activities included planning for a new sign at the corner of Valley Falls and Bolton Roads and increasing the number of Facebook followers, networking events, park walks, posters, newspapers and Vernon Voice articles. Publication work included revised tour guides, membership brochures, two newsletters and periodic Enews issues. The website update will continue.
- Business Development Committee-Chairman Ann Letendre reported that memberships increased this fiscal year by 12 members. She noted that no new grant applications were submitted, and that all existing grant requirements were completed during the year. She also noted that the Investment Committee met twice during the year to review and advise on the organization’s investment portfolio.
- Heritage Center-Ann followed with a report of Heritage Center activities for the fiscal year, citing a successful 2024 summer season with 560 visitors. A new group of volunteers and docents was organized in May. Four training sessions were held. One-hour docent led tours were planned for the 2024 season open days. Ann also noted that a detailed inventory of the exhibit artifacts was initiated by Board member Lynn Lusardi.
- Buildings and Grounds-Chariman Bob Letendre reported that significant work was accomplished this fiscal year, as listed on page 6 of the Annual Report. The main achievement, accomplished by volunteers Bill Darico and Ron Levesque, was installing a drain system near the farmhouse, enabling a savings of $14,000-$20,000. Bob also reported that he has resigned as chairman of the committee as of June 30, and Bruce Dinnie was appointed the new chairman.
- Beekeeper-Allen Valli reported on the five hives that he and Mark Bell take care of. In spring, one hive swarmed, but 30 pounds of spring honey were produced. Unfortunately, for the first time, all of the colonies failed in the fall and there was no honey. He’s hoping for better results next year.
- Bluebird Box Project-Sheryl and Tim McMullen initiated this project in 2023 and continued through this fiscal year. Sheryl provided a two-page summary of the project. 13 bluebird boxes fledged 19 bluebirds in 2023, and 16 in 2024. Swallows, house wrens, chickadees and house sparrows also nested on the site. Sheryl is seeking volunteers to help with the project. Participation could include box inspections, data gathering, photography and social media updates.
Maryann adjourned the business meeting at 1:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Steffens, Secretary
Following the meeting, Ann Letendre introduced the key speaker, Jane Seymour, wildlife biologist with the CT Dept of Energy and Environmental Protection. Jane’s informative talk on “Landscaping for Wildlife: how the changing landscape attracts varying wildlife to our backyards” resulted in many questions and active audience participation.