SPRING BIRDWALK, Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 7:30 AM Denise Animani will lead us on a 1 1/2 hour walk on the trails at Valley Falls park to identify birds migrating through and residing at the Park.  Bring your birding apps, binoculars and shoes for walking!  Meet at the pavilion in Valley Falls Park.

HISTORY WALK, Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 9:30 AM Don Sierakowski will lead a “Rocks, Rails and History” walk that explores the history and development of industry at Valley Falls.  A “gentle” walk, meet at the pavilion.

WILDFLOWER WALK, Sunday, May 18, 2025, at 10:30 AM.  Carol Hatch will help us find and identify the many spring wildflowers that grow in Valley Falls Park.  Meet at the pavilion.

OPENING DAY, VALLEY FALLS FARM AND HERITAGE CENTER Saturday, June 14, 1-4 PM.  Museum includes an elegant stable, 1911 dairy barn, root cellar, and 3 additional historic buildings.  Items on display are original to the 8-acre property.  Interpretive information panels, tools and household items tell the story of an early 20th century “Gentleman’s Farm”, it’s owners and the Valley Falls area.  One hour guided tour is offered at 2 PM.  Begin at the “Welcome” table in the basement of the Red Barn. Limited handicap parking is offered at 345 Valley Falls Road.  Please park in the Parking Lot at Valley Falls Park.

SUNDAYS AT THE HERITAGE CENTER  June 29 through October 19., the Heritage Center will be open on Sunday afternoons from 1-4 PM.  Find us at the “Welcome table” in the basement of the Red Barn, and pick up a TOUR GUIDE.  You can ramble on your own, or be part of guided tours offered at 2PM each Sunday.  June 29, July 13, July 27, Aug 10, Aug 24, Sept 7, Sept 21, Oct 5, and Oct 19.

ARTISTS’ DAY Sunday, Sept 7, 2025, 12-4 PM.  Local artists are invited to paint in “Plein Air” capturing the Farm’s scenic views.  Finished paintings and other works by the artists are for sale in the basement of the Red Barn.  Music by Handler and Levesque from 1-3 PM.  Tour the Heritage Center and watch the artists at work.  Picnic lunches and sketch pads are encouraged!  Join us!

FRIENDS OF VALLEY FALLS ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, Sept 28, 1-3 PM  Everyone is welcome to attend!  A brief business meetingfollowed by a nature- themed presentation.  Meet in the basement of the Red Barn, 345 Valley Falls Road.

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